Communications and Letters with Authorities in Britain and Australia.

Communication and letters between the Author and authorities – Public Officials in Australia and the UK have been documented. The Author’s persistent efforts to uncover the truth spanning four decades have been met with obstacles from the authorities. Undeterred by these challenges, the Author remains resolute in his quest to unveil the mastermind behind what he deems a “Crime against Humanity.” The convenience of storing communications on computer databases also presents a risk, as it allows authorities and corporations to swiftly erase potentially incriminating evidence against them, without your knowledge.

Receipt from British Government confirming the renunciation of my British Citizenship and acknowledgement of removal of my “breach of copyright” thesis from British Antarctic Survey library by BAS librarian.

Citizenship renunciation 1  citizenship renounce 2

BAS breach copyright1BAS breach copyright 2

Letter requesting FOI request from DFaT:      Decision letter

Notice that just as with the British Authorities, where documents I uncovered during my research “disappeared” from the public databases, so too apparently have the records of my trip on Mission Europe!

Communications and letters concerning my complaint of discrimination by Federal Authorities:

Letter to IGISYour complaint to IGIS part 2 . Update to Trent Zimmerman part 2    NAA access

Update to trent Zimmerman’s office re: OIGIS 

Letter to Trent Zimmerman’s office re: OIGIS

my complaint to OIGISReply from IGIS  My complaint to IGIS part 2    My complaint to IGIS part 1

Letter to Peter Dutton and Inspector General of Intelligence and Security Michael Littlefair1

Letter to Peter Dutton and Inspector General of Intelligence and Security2pdf

Trent Zimmerman1 . Trent Zimmerman2    

Gary Kennedy1    Gary Kennedy 2Gary Kennedy 3  

Letter to Trent ZimmermanTrent Zimmerman reply to Author’s letter

 Greg Combet to Gary Kennedy